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Lymphedema Help

From Kenmark International

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Steps to reduce Lymphedema. And prevent this:   

Cure Magazine Free subscription for Cancer Patients

Steps Procedure Links/Procedure Pictures Click on Pictures for links
1 Understand the Lymphatic System Lymphatic System Lymphatic System
2 Open up the Lymphatic system

a. Gently massage you neck

b. Gently exercise by doing 3 of each of the following with slow music will be good:

  • Move head to each side, left/right

  • Move head forward

  • Move head back up

  • Move arms up to shoulder height

  • Bend legs up and down




Rebound Mini-Trampolines

Doctors recommend that everyone get moderate exercise three to four times each week. Dr. Dean Ornish's program for reversing heart disease, for example, includes walking 30 minutes daily or 60 minutes every other day. This recommendation is due to the body's inbuilt need for activation. The lymph system, for example, bathes every cell, carrying nutrients to the cell and waste products away. Yet the lymph is totally dependent on physical exercise to move. Without adequate movement, the cells are left stewing in their own waste products and starving for nutrients, a situation that contributes to arthritis, cancer and other degenerative diseases as well as aging. Vigorous exercise such as rebounding is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times. Bones become stronger with exercise.






4 Use FlexiTouch systems from Tactile for massage areas which are affected. Evening before going to bed. If time permit, in the morning too. Session time about 1 hour.     
5 Use a Reid sleeve during the night, as long as you can. Peninsula Medical       
6 Use compression garments during the day       
7 Go to Step 1 as often you have time    




Do you have problems with your insurance to obtain any of the above items, follow these steps:

  1. Your medical group, You need your doctor/specialist approval and letter. Submit this to your Insurance Company.
  2. Your insurance company 1st level, if not approved:
  3. Your insurance company appeal and grievances, check with them how
  4. Your insurance company highest level of appeal and grievances if such department exist.
  5. If you are not successful next level is: in California DMHC (Department of Managed Heath Care. First call them at 188 - HMO-2219. Their website is http://www.hmohelp.ca.gov/
  6. You need to fill in a complaint form. Pick either PDF or HTML, in your preferred language. Under point 5 and 6 state "see attached letter", Samples below (You may need to modify all of these for your own purpose):
Purpose of document Internet Link - or Link to Kenmark sample letters
DMHC (Department of Managed Heath Care) Complaint form.
9 Ways to fight Cancer 9 Ways to fight Cancer
Lymphedema Letter to DMHC Lymphedema Letter to DMHC
Sample letter to Insurance Company Sample letter to Insurance Company
Helpful contacts Helpful contacts
Health Provider letter Health Provider letter

After extensive research, I found that the only product that works is:

"The 2-Phase Lymph Preparation & Drainage™ therapy  for Lymphedema" 

from FlexiTouch from Tactile systems.

Read more about Lymphedema at:







Tactile Systems TheLymphNet Lymphedema management

See Academy Store Bottom Left

Bandages Plus Bandages Direct
Draper's Fitness & rehab LymphaCare

Click on Lymphedema Products left side way down

800 288-1801

Reid Sleeves Lymphedema Products North American Rehab

