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Kenmark   International


Hearing Aids

                                                                                          Type of hearing aid


Virtually invisible

Invisible hearing aids that sit inside the ear canal and are comfortably suspended by Flexis (soft pieces of medical-grade silicone). They're great for active, on-the-go adults who don't want to be slowed down by traditional hearing aids.

Key Benefits

Virtually invisible and rechargeable

Around less than half the price of traditional behind-the-ear models



They cannot support directional features.

For mild or moderate hearing loss



Cleverly named behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids sit—you guessed it—behind the ear. The housing holds the battery microphone, and controls, with an earpiece that wraps around and into your ear. These are typically better for those with severe or profound hearing loss.

Key Benefits

Able to address higher levels of hearing loss

Some models offer the ability to connect to your TV or phone

In-person appointment

Such as Horizon from



Personal amplifiers are meant to amplify environmental sounds for "non-hearing-impaired" consumers. In other words, they make everything louder—and louder isn’t necessarily better. Personal amplifiers are not intended to help with any level of hearing loss.

Key Benefits


Accentuate all sounds


Over the counter hearing aid




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Order online ID: ojermark Zip 94588


Best cheap price performance

Top hearing aids Companies

Phonak best I have tested


ReSound Costco



A good Hearing aid center in the bay area:

Gospel Hearing Center (click here)

They work with many types.


The best I found is at Costco:

Costco hearing aid center they carry many brands, the best one is the Phonak under Kirkland brand, the only one that works well with Samsung.

Phone calls, music and TV is perfect. Tcoil Compatible.

Kirkland Signature 10.0 with Tcoil

Premium Digital Rechargeable Hearing Instruments

They are:

Top end Phonak $1399.99 for two



Eargo Neo HiFi - Techlicious  

How many years does a hearing aid last?

  • ØIn-the-ear hearing aids tend to last up to five years
  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids typically last five to six years.
  • ØOne thing is for certain: good care will maximize your hearing aids' lifetime.


Why hearing aid whistling?

ØThe whistling noise is called Feedback
ØHearing aid feedback is caused by sounds that leave your ear and find their way back into the microphone.
ØThe sound is re-amplified which causes that annoying whistle.
TTheir job is to combat the annoying noise, but occasionally some feedback will still get through.



4 Ways to Prevent Feedback in Hearing Aids

1.Reinsert. Perhaps the most obvious reason for potential feedback is that the hearing aid isn't correctly inserted.


2.Remove earwax. Problems with feedback aren't always rooted in faults with the hearing aids.


3.Refit. Loose-fitting hearing aids allow the noise to escape the ear canal.


4. Change Cushions With no hole less whistling


Hearing aid channels


ØAll hearing aids process sound, which means that when sound arrives into the hearing aid, it has to be sectioned into bands of sound (sometimes referred to as "channels") and digitized before it can be amplified.
ØThe better the hearing aid, the more flexibility it has to band sounds that are amplified for your unique hearing loss prescription.
ØIf you have only high-frequency hearing loss, a better-made hearing aid can amplify only those sounds within that band.


How many channels do I need in my hearing aid?


These studies suggest that hearing aids with as few as eight channels offer sufficient frequency resolution to restore audibility, even in listening conditions with background noise.


Some are able to change frequency in graph.


Watch TV with ConnectLine


ConnectLine can be used with Alta2Nera2Ria2Dynamo and Sensei hearing aids. If you have Opn * hearing aids


The ConnectLine solution for TV allows you to enjoy watching TV at your preferred volume, while the rest of the family can keep the volume at a level which suits them. The sound is rich and clear without audible delays, meaning that the sound matches the visuals on your TV screen. 


* The groundbreaking technology in Oticon Opn S gives you a 360° hearing experience that opens up your world. It allows you to hear more than one person speaking at a time, while the advanced noise reduction system helps reduce listening effort.


Brainstem implants


ØAn auditory brainstem implant provides hearing to people with hearing loss who can't benefit from a hearing aid or cochlear implant.
ØCommonly due to a missing or very small hearing nerve or severely abnormal inner ear (cochlea).
ØThe auditory brainstem implant directly stimulates the hearing pathways in the brainstem, bypassing the inner ear and hearing nerve.


ØAuditory brainstem implant was originally developed for adults diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2 — a rare genetic condition that causes tumors to grow on nerves.
ØThe surgery is now considered for adults and children with other nerve and inner ear abnormalities.




Medgadget  (Medical Technology News)

Auditory Brainstem Implants for Kids Born Without Hearing Nerve


Brainstem implants



Click on this link for all procedures



 Auditory brainstem implant. Mayo Clinic


ØHow long does it take for your brain to adjust to a hearing aid?

  6 to 12 months

ØShould you remove hearing aid batteries at night?

  Yes, to save batteries

ØWhat is the 5 minute rule for hearing aid batteries?

  It takes about 5 to 7 minutes for air to enter the battery and the battery will last a lot longer.